There is no other single-operator dynamic cone penetrometer that can top the WILDCAT’S capabilities:
Perfect for difficult access sites
Highly Accurate
Single-operator friendly
Cost effective
Competent to 24-foot depth
Our WILDCAT penetrometers are testing subsoils inside buildings, at working construction sites, in woods, on swamps, on slopes and in rivers and lakes. Hundreds of geotechnical engineers across the globe use the WILDCAT to obtain SPT-N values, thus allowing the determination of safe foundation bearing pressure for support of an ordinary magnitude load.
We have used the WILDCAT DCP on a lake with 2 row boats tied together, in a canal while wearing chest waders, in silts that sucked our bodies in, and soon, we will use it from a floating platform that we will tow to the middle of a creek so we can test at a bridge pier. (The WILDCAT is a) great work out and works out great. We’re able to obtain useful information for recommendations and evaluations, especially hard to reach areas. (Triggs has) great customer service and quick turn around of purchases. We have adventures using our WILDCAT!
- Perry Gopp, Field Manager, GPD Group
In a tight spot?
Our single-user DCP offers superior portability, accuracy and adaptability.
Latest News
Latest News 〰️
The Cinch Chain is here!
Ever lost a string of rods in the ground?
In the rare instance that you’ve lost a string of perfectly good rods buried underground because not enough of the string was exposed to pull them back out, we now have the solution: the Cinch Chain! It’s easy to use, and can help pull up a buried string, as well as safely extract an undamaged string of rods.
The Cinch Chain is now included with all new WILDCAT DCP kits. If you already own a WILDCAT DCP, order yours as an accessory today!
Data is everything.
WILDCAT data is logged as Dynamic Cone Resistance with SPT “N” values.
Expand your DCP.
Need to test grain sizes? Need a hand lifting? The WILDCAT accessories have you covered.
Got questions?
We have answers! Review our most frequently asked questions.